Tempe Pledge for a Sustainable Community

Sustainability Actions and Events in April

Have you taken the Tempe Chamber of Commerce’s Pledge for a Sustainable Community? If not, this is a great time to get your business started on its sustainability journey. April in Arizona and at the Chamber has been all about sustainability. At the beginning of the month, we held our annual Sustainability Summit, which brought together local Tempe business owners and leaders to detail the importance of sustainable business practices. In addition to our summit, April was Water Awareness Month in Arizona, and the world celebrated Earth Day on April 22nd.

Water Awareness Month is meant to encourage Arizonans to be conscious of their water intake. This annual outreach campaign is a way to spread the word about the importance of conserving water.

Arizona’s water supply availability has changed over the last 15 years as the Southwest has faced drought conditions. According to Arizona Water Facts, the state has a diverse supply of water resources, such as the Colorado River, in-state rivers, reclaimed water, and groundwater. In 2018, the state’s municipal sector accounted for 21% of Arizona’s water use. This means that Tempe businesses can make a difference in the state’s water use and management.

From beginner steps to intermediate or advanced tasks, learn how your business can manage and save this precious resource. Water conservation will help mitigate business risk and get your business started on its sustainable journey.

While saving water was a top priority this month, most of the world was focused on Earth Day. The first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970 and was founded as a way to “diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.”

Tempe Mayor, Corey Woods, joined with nine other Arizona mayors to celebrate Earth Day this year. This new statewide collaboration is a way to inspire Arizona resident to take action and support the Earth. According to a press release from the City of Tempe, Mayor Woods said celebrating Earth Day is “proof that we can make a positive global impact when we work together locally. It is also a great way to highlight the work we do year-round to make an impact on reducing carbon emissions.”

As a Tempe business, you can make your impact locally by signing our sustainability pledge and learning what you can do to limit energy use, conserve water, reduce waste, and more.