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Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children
8149 E. Evans Road Suite 10
Scottsdale, AZ
(480) 280-4335
To improve and maintain the best form of sustainability.
- Turn off lights in unoccupied areas
- Take advantage of natural lighting
- Put reminder stickers on light switches to turn them off
- Replace incandescent lamps with ENERGY STAR® rated CFLs or LEDs
- Replace T-12 fluorescent lamps with high-efficiency T-8, T-5 or LED lamps.
- Use partial lighting before and after public hours
- Use only necessary safety and security lighting
- Make sure automatic lighting controls are working properly
- Reduce cooling and heating in unused areas
- Adjust temperature settings and schedules to avoid unnecessary cooling or heating
- If you have a central air system, make sure the system is balanced
- Establish a preventative HVAC maintenance program
- Repair doors and windows that don’t close or seal properly
- Close window treatments during summer months
- Remove excess office equipment and use smart power strips to manage equipment use
- Reduce hot water temperature settings and use
- Optimize heating and cooling systems (21 Celsius / 70 Fahrenheit when occupied 16 Celsius / 61 Fahrenheit when unoccupied)