Tempe Pledge for a Sustainable Community

Local First Arizona

407 E. Roosevelt St

We believe that being a good steward of the environment is critical to operating successful businesses.

  • Turn off lights in unoccupied areas
  • Take advantage of natural lighting
  • Replace incandescent lamps with ENERGY STAR® rated CFLs or LEDs
  • Use only necessary safety and security lighting
  • Make sure automatic lighting controls are working properly
  • Install occupancy sensors
  • Install smart or programmable thermostats
  • Adjust temperature settings and schedules to avoid unnecessary cooling or heating
  • Close window treatments during summer months
  • Reduce hot water temperature settings and use
  • Fix leaks!
  • Install appropriate low‐flow devices, shut‐off valves, faucet aerators and other water‐efficient equipment. Look for the WaterSense label
  • Provide refrigerated drinking water
  • Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before washing
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean floors, sidewalks and other hard surfaces
  • Conduct a water audit and identify water management goals
  • Perform irrigation system evaluations periodically
  • Adjust sprinklers to ensure there is no overspray into non-landscaped areas
  • Water landscapes early in the morning or in the evening
  • Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
  • Provide secure bicycle parking facilities for employees
  • Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
  • Offer start and end times that avoid peak periods of travel
  • Create a work from home (teleworking) option
  • Set printers to print double sided
  • Print only necessary documents
  • Send memos, quotes and invoices electronically
  • Minimize paper usage in meetings
  • Provide recycling bins at key locations
  • Encourage employees to sort materials into the proper categories through communication and signage if your community doesn’t have co-mingled or single stream recycling
  • Subscribe to online newspapers and magazines
  • Donate outdated electronics
  • Repurpose or reuse office supplies and equipment that remains serviceable
  • Donate unwanted food
  • Use washable cutlery and plates
  • Use kitchenware and utensils that are either recyclable or compostable
  • Recycle hazardous waste through the proper environmental compliance resources
  • Conduct a waste audit
  • Set waste reduction goals
  • Consider alternatives to purchasing products that are disposable and over-packaged
  • Review packaging of products with a view to reducing packaging waste
  • Establish a food composting station throughout your facilities
  • Develop a policy of purchasing non-toxic cleaning materials
  • Send e-waste to an investment recovery process
  • Return used CFL (compact fluorescent) lights to hardware stores that accept them for proper disposal
  • Purchase FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified or 100% postconsumer recycled paper
  • Purchase environmentally friendly bulk cleaning supplies
  • Purchase refillable and reusable products
  • Use minimal packaging in deliveries or shipments
  • Reduce delivery frequency of office supply shipments
  • Choose ENERGY STAR® products, which are certified for energy efficiency
  • Introduce a policy that supports sustainable products
  • Choose products that reduce or eliminate pollution and toxins
  • Support products and services that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” when making purchasing decisions

Local First Arizona