Tempe Pledge for a Sustainable Community

Printing Specialists, LLC

1929 E 5th Street

We believe in responsible resource management and conservatism and have led the way over the last three years and want to let others that care about this know what we do.

  • Turn off lights in unoccupied areas
  • Take advantage of natural lighting
  • Replace incandescent lamps with ENERGY STAR® rated CFLs or LEDs
  • Replace T-12 fluorescent lamps with high-efficiency T-8, T-5 or LED lamps.
  • Use partial lighting before and after public hours
  • Use only necessary safety and security lighting
  • Reduce cooling and heating in unused areas
  • Install smart or programmable thermostats
  • Replace HVAC units or systems with high-efficiency equipment
  • Inspect and repair existing insulation above ceilings or under the roof
  • Add reflective solar films to windows
  • Install low-flow faucet aerators and showerheads to reduce hot water use
  • Establish sustainable purchasing policies – prioritizing energy efficiency in the selection criteria for the purchase of new or replacement equipment
  • Champion sustainability initiatives within your industry association and work to solve challenges together
  • Adjust temperature settings and schedules to avoid unnecessary cooling or heating
  • If you have a central air system, make sure the system is balanced
  • Establish a preventative HVAC maintenance program
  • Repair doors and windows that don’t close or seal properly
  • Close window treatments during summer months
  • Reduce hot water temperature settings and use
  • Fix leaks!
  • Monitor your water bills
  • Encourage staff to use efficient rinsing techniques
  • Detect and fix any leaks from pipes, fixtures, appliances and equipment
  • Install appropriate low‐flow devices, shut‐off valves, faucet aerators and other water‐efficient equipment. Look for the WaterSense label
  • Provide refrigerated drinking water
  • Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before washing
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean floors, sidewalks and other hard surfaces
  • Perform irrigation system evaluations periodically
  • Adjust sprinklers to ensure there is no overspray into non-landscaped areas
  • Use sustainable products and services
  • Water landscapes early in the morning or in the evening
  • Clean windows only when needed
  • Thaw food in the refrigerator or microwave instead of using running water
  • Wash vehicles only when needed
  • Discard clean water into plants instead of the drain
  • Replace turf areas with (xeriscape) low- water-use plants
  • Encourage carpooling to company events and offsite meetings
  • Promote ride-matching service to form carpools at www.sharetheride.com hosted by Valley Metro
  • Hold events at locations served by transit
  • Provide secure bicycle parking facilities for employees
  • Provide casual bicycle parking on-site for clients
  • Use webinars, video and teleconferencing
  • Offer start and end times that avoid peak periods of travel
  • Provide free or preferred parking for carpools and hybrid/electric vehicles
  • Reduce air travel
  • Champion green initiatives to your industry association and solve eco-problems together
  • Offer free charging for electric vehicles
  • Set printers to print double sided
  • Print only necessary documents
  • Send memos, quotes and invoices electronically
  • Minimize paper usage in meetings
  • Provide recycling bins at key locations
  • Encourage employees to sort materials into the proper categories through communication and signage if your community doesn’t have co-mingled or single stream recycling
  • Subscribe to online newspapers and magazines
  • Donate outdated electronics
  • Repurpose or reuse office supplies and equipment that remains serviceable
  • Donate unwanted food
  • Use washable cutlery and plates
  • Recycle hazardous waste through the proper environmental compliance resources
  • Set waste reduction goals
  • Review packaging of products with a view to reducing packaging waste
  • Consider leasing rather than purchasing products
  • Develop a policy of purchasing non-toxic cleaning materials
  • Send e-waste to an investment recovery process
  • Implement a policy of zero waste in the office
  • Champion sustainable initiatives to your industry association and solve environmental problems together
  • Return used CFL (compact fluorescent) lights to hardware stores that accept them for proper disposal
  • Purchase FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified or 100% postconsumer recycled paper
  • Purchase environmentally friendly bulk cleaning supplies
  • Purchase refillable and reusable products
  • Conduct lifecycle assessments on products prior to purchase to ensure maximum sustainability, return on investment and environmental efficiency
  • Use minimal packaging in deliveries or shipments
  • Reduce delivery frequency of office supply shipments
  • Choose green eco-friendly printers
  • Choose ENERGY STAR® products, which are certified for energy efficiency
  • Introduce a policy that supports sustainable products
  • Choose products that reduce or eliminate pollution and toxins
  • Support products and services that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Consider biodiversity maintenance or improvement when producing or acquiring .products and services
  • Consider employee health and safety when choosing suppliers
  • “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” when making purchasing decisions
  • Set and implement bold goals to reduce waste, emissions, water and resource use

Printing Specialists, LLC