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Soggy Food Sucks LLC
5063 S Roosevelt St
I am already committed to working towards a sustainable, compostable product.
- Turn off lights in unoccupied areas
- Take advantage of natural lighting
- Replace incandescent lamps with ENERGY STAR® rated CFLs or LEDs
- Use only necessary safety and security lighting
- Reduce cooling and heating in unused areas
- Implement tactics to reach energy reduction goals
- Embed your sustainability goals into your products and services – help your customers Go Green!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual sustainability goals
- Champion sustainability initiatives within your industry association and work to solve challenges together
Am speaking at Smart Kitchen Summit about compostable food packaging and food waste.
- Print only necessary documents
- Minimize paper usage in meetings
- Provide recycling bins at key locations
- Encourage employees to sort materials into the proper categories through communication and signage if your community doesn’t have co-mingled or single stream recycling
- Subscribe to online newspapers and magazines
- Repurpose or reuse office supplies and equipment that remains serviceable
- Use kitchenware and utensils that are either recyclable or compostable
- Recycle hazardous waste through the proper environmental compliance resources
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers Go Green!
- Engage suppliers and business customers in collaborative projects to help achieve your mutual sustainability goals
- Champion sustainable initiatives to your industry association and solve environmental problems together
- Return used CFL (compact fluorescent) lights to hardware stores that accept them for proper disposal
- Introduce a policy that supports sustainable products
- Consider employee health and safety when choosing suppliers
- “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” when making purchasing decisions
- Create a 5-year or 10-year ambitious sustainability vision, goals and targets of success
- Engage employees at all levels in greening the workplace, their homes and communities
- Embed your green goals into your products and services – help your customers Go Green!
- Measure and report your progress, share your efforts with others
- key note speaker on food waste and future of food packaging.