Tempe Pledge for a Sustainable Community

Take Part in the City of Tempe’s Zero Waste Days

Take Part in the City of Tempe’s Zero Waste Days

The City of Tempe’s Zero Waste Days provide residents with the opportunity to clean out their attics, basements, closets and garages of used but usable items and pass them on to local people in need.

The event is from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 24, at the Tempe Fire Training Center, 1340 E. University Drive (directly behind the Household Products Collection Center). 

To drop off on the day, store items for disposal in the rear-most part of the vehicle. Stay in the vehicle at all times. Staff will unload items. Transport waste items in cardboard boxes. No plastic bags will be accepted. Containers will not be returned. Zero Waste Day helps you recycle those items that cannot go into the blue recycling bin.

Tempe is committed to managing waste responsibly and works closely with its partners to ensure the material is diverted from the landfill and recycled or reused. On Saturday, they will accept paper for shredding, building materials, tires, clothing, household hazardous waste, electronics, computer equipment, appliances, scrap metal, bikes, repair stands, bike parts, food donations, and StyrofoamTM.Plastic bags and wrap, along with mattresses and trash will not be accepted.

The City’s Zero Waste Days are a great opportunity to clean out your home or office, without taking everything to the landfill. Expenses for every bag of garbage your company sends to the landfill will add up, because businesses often pay increasing amounts to have their waste landfilled. By dropping off your waste, you are taking part in a sustainable business practice.